Sunday, December 16, 2012

Winter Break assignment

Over break, please watch these very interesting outtakes form the Side By Side film we watched a trailer for earlier in the year. A ton to ponder for anyone who:

1. is interested in a career in film.
2. is interested in film.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


The critique re-writes, due to rampant mid-December sickness (besides the normal afflictions of Senioritsis), have been post-poned until Monday, December 17th. You're welcome, slackers.

Check out #ohsfi for some inspiration!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Homework for 12/11/12

Please read the first page and a little bit (until the chapter break entitled only "2" in Stephen King's Danse Macabre Chapter 3: The Tale of the Tarot. Write Journal #11as a reaction to this philosophy. Consider the following questions:

1. What does King mean by the fact that "the Ghost" is the "Mississippi (river) of the horror archetype,"?

2. Discuss the grandfather metaphor at the end of the chapter, what point is he trying to make?

3. Discuss his thesis that Dr. Jekyll...Hyde, Dracula and Frankenstein are the "roots of modern horror." Or consider it in terms of The Vampire, The Werewolf and the thing with no name....what are some modern examples?

No you do not HAVE to answer all three or even any, I am just trying to promote discourse.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Social Aspects of TV & FLIGHT

Tonight, please listen to this piece by NPR on Robert Zemeckis, the director Flight and other amazing, well-loved movies.