Thursday, May 7, 2009

Family is family. Blood is blood.

I've just finished watching "Cassandra's Dream," a film that I was attracted to not only because it was... well, my dream, but because it was written and directed by Woody Allen.

This film is unnaturally Colin Farrell at his finest! I am always a little turned off by him as an actor, with his tough guy persona and his Irish accent (haha just kidding). But I am glad to say that I have never seen him act so well in any part in any film. And Ewan McGregor played his part just as well (but perhaps not as well as Farrell pulled his off). Within the first five minutes of the film I asked Bella, "Do you think he is good looking?" and she answered "...He just always reminds me of Star Wars." So I went into this film thinking precisely that, but after the next few scenes, I was just completely and totally sucked into both the characters and the plot line.

Okay, now back to Woody. Some (okay, a lot) of people may say that he is dry and predictable and that he is incapable of making a good drama without having the undertone of a comedic New Yorker, but I stand to prove them wrong--I truly do believe that he is a master a what he does. And yes, I guess you can say that Woody Allen is somewhat of an acquired taste, but what isn't now a days?

At his earliest, he was the comedic genius behind films like 1973's "Sleeper," and not to mention classics like "Annie Hall" and "Manhattan." But now he is starting to wander into a new realm of filmmaking, and I am starting to wonder if he should ever come back! His films now are dark, brutal and are always served with a twist... and I just can't get enough of them! After watching "Match Point," a film that New York Times called "black as pitch and very fine," I was convinced that I was hooked on all things Allen! ("Scoop" being the only exception) And now after watching "Cassandra's Dream," I am just completely certain.

Up next, "Vicky Cristina Barcelona"!

New York Times reviews "Cassandra's Dream":
New York Times reviews "Match Point":


  1. That's so funny I saw it on HBO a few minutes ago but, as usual, everything I'm interested in watching I happen to catch in the middle. I highly recommend Vicky Cristina Barcelona though. Weird movie, great performance from Penelope Cruz. You'll enjoy it.

  2. Did you see "In Bruges"? Farrell
    was fantastic in that!
    I agree that Woody is an acquired
    taste; I don't always like him,
    but "Match Point" was excellent.

    I refuse to see "vicky christina Barcelona" or whatever
    because Penelope Cruz is a Salma Hayek wannabe!

  3. yeah hbo, man... right after i finished watching it i turned on my comcast box and saw it! i regret paying the 5 dollars i payed to rend it. to quote zander, "poop".

  4. Penelope Cruz is so much better than Salma Hayek! :P

  5. i really like salma ): remember "fools rush in"?

  6. I loved VCB...I thought javier Bardem, sans the Dutch boy hair cut, really stole the show.

    Astute assement of Mr. Allen, Mama. Oh and Happy Mother's Day.

  7. well i do like me some colin farrell

    i'll give this a looksee, this looks interesting
