How Many Santa's Does It Take?
As Christmas gets closer, & closer it seems like all they play on televison is christmas movies. Everyshow has a christmas special, & all the commercials seems like they are twenty minutes longer. It seems as if Santa Clause appears on almost every, show, & movie like every thirty minutes. This obnoxious amount of exposure to Kris Kringle got me thinking. How many people exactly have played Kris Kringle in films?!After several minutes of searching I found a list of famous actors that have played hi m over the years. While I'm sure there are like a bajillion other people who have played him this is the best I could find...Edmund Gwenn, Richard Attenborough, Ed Asner, David Huddleston, Tim Allen, Billy Bob Thornton( Idk, if I would reall count him as "Santa", but might as well) , Tom Hanks, Paul Giamatti, & John Call
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