Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Dead Snow

Out of respect for the Harry Potter topic, I decided not to continue talking about Dead Snow in it and just start a brand new topic. I don't have a huge amount to say about it but what I will say is that the invention of camcorders is the best thing to ever happen. Now anyone can save up some cash and even if they aren't shooting HD, can get nice quality out of their films. The B movie is being revolutionized  from crappy 8mm and 16mm film to high quality film making. Looking at the trailer, it was most likely filmed with a HD camera (or if they were some lucky sons of guns actually got a Red One). The fact of the matter is I'm enjoying seeing B movies get some circulation. Movies that are able to laugh a bit at themselves when it comes to plot and acting but give you some low budget technical work that you can truly enjoy. I'm seriously looking forward to this film not only because its about Nazi Zombies, but because the movie viewing public needs more movies like Evil Dead I and II


  1. I want a Red One so bad! You are so right we are at a point where the medium of film has opened up to almost anyone but I wonder where that leaves us

  2. yo you can stream it from if you can't find it I can't wait to watch it! Paul, do you play nazi zombie on call of duty?

  3. lol exactly what i initially thought of

  4. this movie looks ridiculous!
    I CAN'T WAIT!!!!
    Ahh, it looks sooo cool...
    & yes Zander, we definitely need more movies like "Evil Dead I-II"
    (but I honestly don't think anything will ever beat Bruce Campbell fighting his own severed hand).

  5. Just saw the film it was pretty crazy

  6. I want to wait to see it in theatres, otherwise I would watch it online. :/

    I haven't had a chance to play Zombie Nazi on Call of Duty yet, but I want to SO BAD! D: Has anyone else played it yet?

  7. haha thanks for not continueing in my post lol :)

  8. Evil Dead awesome, dead snow seems like it will be the same, corny dialogue but entertaining to watch

  9. some of the corniness was lost in translation

  10. Best Cocoa commercial ever.

  11. YouTube Bush v Zombies...very funny.

  12. If only our military really was willing to put its funding where it's needed the most: Zombie Preparedness.
