Friday, March 20, 2009

Best Painting Ever

I know this isn't film related, but I believe the thematic qualities of this painting need to be discussed.


  1. i'm lovin' Waldo next to Steve Irwin. beautiful find, jon.

  2. Well... actually it does have to do with film. Robocops in it. Speaking of Robocop, they're making a remake. What do you people think of hollywood and they're 101 remakes coming out?

    This post isn't serious... just got on a train of thought.

  3. well Paul... I honestly hate it. I flipped a pancake when i heard that Hollywood was "remaking" Let The Right One In..... UGHHHHH!!!! I'm so mad with that! It's going to be horrible! BAHH!!!.... It's just like REC and that poor excuse for a film that i will not name.... i hate American Film sometimes, i really do.

  4. Well at least with REC or Let the Right one In, you can at least make the argument that American audiences don't want to watch anything with suptitles. Is it stupid? Definately. But its less stupid than remaking something like Robocop. This is simply for no reason other than to pretty things up with better special effects. I don't get why Hollywood thinks there is no point in a film existing other than to show off CG. I swear soon they're going to start filming remakes of films at the same time as the original to save time.

    And just so you have the background on the pic, it is "The Surrender" by Joseph Griffith. It was painted to commemorate the anniversary of the Battle of Yorktown.

  5. Yeah exactly Jon. They have so many movies that that they plan to remake that were made in the time of color, Last House on the Left, Friday the Thirteenth, Robocop, ROMANCING THE STONE! Why the hell are they doing this!

  6. Honestly, I am getting tired of remakes.
    I mean, this year, we've had 3
    (horror) remakes already,
    "My Bloody Valentine", "Friday the 13th" (which was a HUGE dissappointment!) & "Last House on the Left" (which was excellent; much, much better than the original).
    I feel that if filmmakers truly feel they have something fresh and unique to bring to an older idea, then they should go for it. But, at this point, it's gotten really tiresome.
    It was one thing when remakes were less common, but ever since "The Texas chainsaw Massacre" they've been huge (the "Chainsaw" remake was terrific, though). I haven't seen "Quarantine" yet, since I'm pretty sure it was just a scene-for-scene re-do of "REC".
    Also, "Let the Right One In" was fantastic. They already RETITLED the remake "LET ME IN", which tells me right off the bat they didn't get the original movie.
    Oh well, I mean, the original movies still exist. A remake can't ruin the original.

  7. Alex is right. A remake cannot ruin the original. Only George Lucas has that power.

  8. Jon Henry, you're crazy!
    Everyone knows Lucas is a genius!
    I'm dying for the day he (& Spielberg) re-re-re-release "Raiders of the Lost Ark"...digitally enhanced to feature a cast of only Ewoks! It would be better than ever!

  9. or when he and spielberg re-release The Land Before Time?!?! :D <333333 <3333333333333

  10. I hope George Lucas just start titling his movies truthfully. Star Wars- Episode ??? George Lucas Needs Money to Renovate His Bathroom.

  11. I heard the next star wars trilogy is going to be about c3p0 and r2d2's domestic life after having kids together

  12. THE LAND BEFORE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
