Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The French Revolution

I'll be damned if I don't turn this into a music blog.

In today's installment is the up-and-coming pop artist, Yelle. A contemporary of so many teen pop acts, her style is comparable to that of Gwen Stefani or Britney Spears - but with a dash of Briochin zest. Her first full-length album, Pop-Up, has a distinct electronic feel not unlike The Ting Tings. This, coupled with the intoxicating vocals, makes Pop-Up a worthwhile listen and a great excursion into foreign territory.

Pop-Up is available here on Amazon. For those less-inclined to purchase music before hearing it, the better part of the album is available for listening on her Myspace, and the full album can be found with a bit of searching on the internet.

I'll leave two songs - Je Veux Te Voir and A Cause Des Garcons up as Youtube links.


  1. all of these songs are the same!

    and maybe it's because of my high disregard for female vocalists (with the exception of Rita Lee!, and some others), but i think i have come across enough music in my day to say that, if you want some realllllllllll gooooooooooood foreign-discoteque-funk-pop, then check this out!...

    The Pinker Tones -
    Sonido Total
    Karma Hunters
    Happy Everywhere


    Os Mutantes - A Minha Menina
    mmm... brazilian invasion, 1960's-style, baby!

  2. however, i will say that i like the music video(s)! a good 80's feel.
