500 Days of Summer
(My apologies if this has been reviewed.)
It's been approximately two months since I've seen the film. I haven't thought about it for just about that time, but I was in an IKEA and thought of the film again. When the film ended, there was this sense of awe and satisfaction that I was glad to have for a movie I was anticipating for nearly half a year. The first thing I said after the film was to Cassandra, "This is the film I would've wrote." Cassandra then replied that during the whole film she thought of me. About a couple of days ago I was Facebook chatting with my colleague Ryan Carroll. He told me how he just saw the film and I told him how that film was a story about my life. He disagreed and claimed it was about his life. We got into an argument which I let him win because I realized how stupid we sounded getting into an argument about who's life is 500 Days of Summer. This got me thinking though. Why did we both think this way? I realized what it was. 500 Days of Summer got down why you may think you are in love with someone who doesn't love you back.
(Spoiler Alert)
The film is about this character Tom(Joseph Gordon-Levitt) and his quagmire of a relationship with the beautiful Summer being portrayed by Zooey Deschanel. The film jumps around to different points of their relationship much like Woody Allen's Annie Hall(highly recommended). From the beginning we learn that the couple breaks up. Then the film jumps back and forth from the beginnings of their lush relationship to the depressing twilight of it. For anyone who has seen the film, Summer was a real heart breaker and everyone rooted for Tom, ultimately hoping for the two to have that happy ending. At the end of the film I really didn't like Summer and I felt for Tom.
As I said earlier after my argument with Ryan, I realized why many will feel for this film. The film's story structure is much like how the mind works when you are in love with someone who isn't in love back. The film flashes to these sweet moments between Summer and Tom and then flashes forward to the reality of the situation. People hold on to someone they think they love because they dwell on sweet moments and let it constantly replay in their minds. What is also overlooked is the fact that Summer was not the tease that viewers thought she was. Tom felt he loved her because she liked the same things as him and they had fun together. Joseph Gordon-Levitt says,"Tom falls in love with these superficial things, not really loving her in the moment but loving this goddess on a pedestal." Most people do this. I've been there, so mad at the girl thinking over and over again that she was leading me on. In reality I kept feeling there was something there between us. In Tom's defense, the kissing and love making certainly didn't help him think otherwise. The film is so whimsical and has these moments that are so out there. One moment in specific is the choreographed sequence with the Hall and Oates song "You Make My Dreams Come True."
It is human condition that make moments more bright and whimsical in our minds and that is why love can hurt so bad. 500 Days of Summer allows the audience to dwell on the good moments with Tom and allows us to feel depressed in the low points. The film is so easily relatable because essential this is a story written about everyone's encounter with love. As I sat in the theater and watched the film I had my own "Summer" in my mind and my movie was more along the lines 500 Days of Hell.
Your right it is very appealing and reminds me of Annie Hall too!