Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Serious Man

Another black comedy coming from the strange, strange minds of the Coen brothers. I'd only heard about this a little previous to watching the trailer, and it didn't interest me. Upon actually seeing the trailer at the theater, however, I totally jumped on board. I really am easily swayed by a good preview.

I may be alone on this one, though. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who actually liked Burn After Reading.


also, I will give ten dollars to the first five people who comment on this post that are new students from the film institute.


  1. I read some really good stuff about this in Ebert's journal entries about TIFF. Looks good and I love the Coen Brothers. If your the only one who liked Burn After Reading, I'm the only one who LOVED it as well as No Country for Old Men. I have seen both a ton of times. They just are so perfectly made.

    P.S. James are you being paid by the studios to advertise they're movies? What is with the sudden boost in "hey this is coming out soon" posts?

  2. I don't care why he's doing it...I love it.

  3. lol i wish paul. i really really do.

  4. James, you're not alone!
    I LOVED "Burn After Reading"!
    Hilarious movie, holds up on repeat viewings...
    & I'll look into this too.

  5. yah dude that's not true at all! haha i loved it!

    ....can i have 5 dollars?

  6. I know you don't have ten dollars because of your tag, but I believe that you are a generous person, and will somehow find a way to give me my money :)

    If not, just buy me a ticket to a movie... That would leave us about square.

    YAY I'm only the second person to comment..

  7. Paul don't listen to any of them - you are a genius!
