Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Coming Week in the Film Institute

This shortened FI week will see some changes to "The Game" and some writing work.

Monday: Due: DTRT one pager, production press kits
Schedule: 9/10: Discuss DTRT & writing activities--VERBS & sentence construction review/Assignment Review = criticism & what is an academic comment?
11: "The Game" rules review (see subsequent post)/NYT article Must It Always Be About Sex?/Team planning time

Tuesday: Due: DTRT one pager revisions, read "Back to the Ramparts," a NYT article on the upcoming film Milk

Schedule: "The Game" new numbers, presentations, draft, previews & market place

Wednesday: Silent Film Test -- in class essay only! No objective! /finish Halloween (Alex?)

Assignments Due on 11/12: DTRT criticism, read & annotate Angelina Jolie article, at least two comments on blog (of academic insight)


  1. So today we're not getting the information about the December movies, right? That's tomorrow?

  2. Getting today...picking tomorrow

  3. By Wednesday all students should turn in their typed papers about the Red Balloon. I do not want it emailed to me or hand written.
    We are transitioning into elements of sound within films in the coming weeks.
