Monday, November 3, 2008

Your favorite films

Since this is the Film institute, I thought it'd be fun to hear what everyone's favorite
movies are!
Mine are as follows:

1) Rob Zombie's HALLOWEEN
2) Requiem for a Dream
3) The Devil's Rejects
4) Pan's Labyrinth
5) John Carpenter's HALLOWEEN
6) Pulp Fiction
7) Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
8) Sweeney Todd- The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
9) Walk the Line
10) Fargo

Kill Bill, A Christmas Story, May, Black Christmas (1974), Fight Club, Little Children...
And a lot more....


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  2. Ok... well I'm bad at making an official top ten but I'll try.

    1. Raiders of the Lost Ark
    2. The Seven Samurai
    3. The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
    4. The Godfather
    5. Raging Bull
    6. It's a Wonderful Life
    7. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
    8. Laurence of Arabia
    9. Annie Hall
    10. Dark City

  3. This always changes...depending on my mood...

    1. It's A Wonderful Life
    2. The Wizard of Oz
    3. The Empire Strikes Back
    4. Swingers
    5. Airplane!
    6. The Blues Brothers
    7. Animal House
    8. Titanic
    9. Raiders of the Lost Ark
    10. Night of the Living Dead

  4. Ugh, Too many to choose frommmmm...

    1: The Shop Around the Corner

    2: The Wedding Singer

    3: The King and I

    4: Animal House

    5: Stranger Than Fiction

    6: Memoirs of a Geisha

    7: Big Fish

    8: There Will Be Blood

    9: The Dark Knight

    10: Wall-E

    SHUTUP, Wall-E was good! :{

  5. Oh no...this is where I fear people will mock me...

    1. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
    2. Clueless
    3. Breakfast at Tiffany's
    4. Big Fish
    5. Garden State
    6. Dogma
    7. The Philadelphia Story
    8. The Truman Show
    9. Memento
    10. Office Space

  6. I agree, Lauren!

    1. The Warriors
    2. Rushmore
    3. That Thing You Do!
    4. Tommy
    5. Papillon
    6. 101 Dalmatians vs. The Great Mouse Detective
    7. The Labyrinth
    8. The Thomas Crown Affair (1968)
    9. Bottle Rocket
    10. Donnie Darko

    ...the Darjeeling Lim., the Great Escape, Scanners, Ocean's 13, In Good Company, 2001, Dead Poets, Young Guns, the Getaway, Goodfellas, SoS

  7. Lol. Don't I feel like a snobby film buff. I mean... there are a ton of films I love but these not only are favorites but what I get a ton out of when watching. I have watched these over and over again. If I were to have an honorable mention list I would say-
    Goodfellas, Pulp Fiction, Platoon, Hero (almost was on the list instead of Dark City), Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Dawn of the Dead (the best living dead movie in the series), Dazed and Confused (you could also switch Annie Hall for this one), The Birdcage, Shaun of the Dead, and basically the rest of Spielberg's, Scorsese's, and P.T. Anderson's works.

  8. The Birdcage / Shawn of the Dead! :O How could I have forgotten? Okay, swap Stranger than Fiction for Shawn of the Dead.

  9. i totally agree, paul. i went over my list 10+ times, adding and subtracting movies that I felt not worthy... I can (and DO!) watch these movies continuously, back to back. In fact, the first time i was introduced to 'the warriors' i watched it 4 times in a single sitting.

  10. Cassandra that sounds like me with The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. I'd say The Godfather I've watched an upwards of 20 times this year. The one thing the Film Institute gave me is the motivation to watch everything. I've watched 60 of the AFI top 100 list and I'm always working on it. I made lists of foreign films to watch as well. So I'm always watching something new.

    The problem with asking me my favorite movie is I never can truly tell you. I have come to the point that if someone asks me, I say Raiders of the Lost Ark. I've been watching Harrison Ford on the tv screen since I was 4. The fun part is that I appreciate Raiders as the best Indy film so that's what I say is my favorite but in reality if you ask me my favorite Indy film, I'll tell you Temple of Doom. That's because I love the darkness and the fact that the hero of the film is really Short Round but no one ever notices that... except me... who's watched it so much that his VHS copy broke this summer and cried... alot.

    So I feel there never is a real answer to "what's your favorite movie?"

  11. that's a valid point, paul. also, i'm so very sorry about your vhs tape. i also appreciate that you still own vhs tapes... I have never seen the Godfather hmm ): I lose.
    However, Temple of Doom is also my favorite Indy flick! Mostly because of short round, lol... we vietnamese gotta stick together... Okie dokie Docta' Jones, hold on to your potatoes!

  12. ohhh, 3:10 to Yuma (1957 vs. 2007)

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  14. 3:10 to Yuma 2007 ftw! The original had a better ending though, I'll say that.

  15. I tried to watch the original but had to leave for something so never finished it.

    Sigh I thought of more movies for my list. Blade Runner, Groundhog Day, 12 Angry Men, The Third Man, and The Maltese Falcon. My list is always expanding >.<

  16. I knew most people might not have a specific 'favorite' so that's why I just called it favorite films.
    You can just list some of your doesn't have to be a 10 ten...that's just how I formatted it for myself...

  17. The Graduate!!! i totally forgot. and caddyshack. but mostly dustin hoffman.

  18.'s totally unpopular to say "Temple" is your fave Indy movie because "Raiders" is the one with all the acclaim, and it's supposed to be the thinking man's Indy movie ("Temple" has no Nazis for crying out loud)...but, if I had to choose one to watch...probably Temple, because no one in Raiders says, "He' no nuts, he's cwasy."

  19. I would try and make a top ten list (or any type of top number list) but every time I do I end up changing the order. So I normally just say my favorite movies in random order to pull this off the way I like it.
    Interview With A Vampire
    30 Days of Night
    A Clockwork Orange
    Beauty and the Beast
    The Dark Knight
    The Warriors
    Mars Attacks
    It’s A Wonderful Life
    Christmas Story
    Sweeny Todd
    28 Days Later
    28 Weeks Later
    Shawn Of The Dead
    An American Psycho

    And I think I’ll stop it now.

  20. 1.A Bronx Tale(pretty good for Di Niro's first time. One of the most under rated movies of all time.)
    2.Remeber the Titans
    3.Animal House
    5.God Father
    7.The wedding Singer
    8.Big Daddy
    9.Friday Night lights
    10.The Breakfast club

  21. My favorite movie choices are always condemned by my friends as WAY LAME. My friends, however, also happen to think that Will Ferrell movies are funny so, obviously,their opinion means little to me. Hopefully you guys are more sympathetic.

    1. Age of Innocence
    Unrequited love is soooo romantic, plus Daniel Day Lewis and Michelle Pfeifer are so brilliantly cast that I can't even imagine anyone else in those roles.

    2. What Dreams May Come
    Visually this movie is stunning. It also represents my idea of heaven. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could create or own perfect environment in which to spend eternity in?

    3. Edward Scissorhands
    Yes I'm a huge Tim Burton fan, but this movie is probably his best. The score of this movie is probably the best I've ever heard.

    4. Atonement
    Would I like this movie as much if James McAvoy wasn't in it?
    Probably not. But I would still like it.

    5.Little Miss Sunshine
    This is probably the funniest movie I have ever seen. Toni Collette and Alan Arkin are severely underrated.

    6. The Nightmare Before Christmas
    My boyfriend hates this movie. I can't say enough good things about it. This speaks volumes about the status of our relationship.

    7. Sliding Doors
    Gwyneth. Gwyneth. Gwyneth. This movie comments on how a seemingly meaningless event (like missing a train) can severely affect one's life.

    8. The Family Stone
    My best friend and I recently started a Christmas tradition of watching The Family Stone and crying over it like little girls. I can't help to identify with Sarah Jessica Parker's character in this film. Not because I'm rigid or plagued with OCD but because I do not fit in amongst my in-laws.

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  23. 1) Wizard of Oz (sentimental favorite from my youth)
    2) Star Wars (favorite as a young lad)
    3) The Godfather (I can still watch it like the first time)
    4) On the Waterfront
    5) Psycho
    6) Gladiator (I love Rome!)
    7) Blade Runner
    8) Saving Private Ryan
    9) Platoon
    10) Raiders of Lost Ark

  24. 1. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
    2. the Science of Sleep
    3. Nightmare Before Christmas
    4. The Life Aquatic with Captain Zissou
    5. Wicker Park
    6. Life is Beautiful
    7. the Pianist
    8. Toy Story
    9. Big Fish
    10. Breakfast at Tiffany's

  25. Sliding Doors! Why didn't I remember that? I heart Gwyneth so much in that movie...
