Sunday, November 16, 2008


i'm watching the x-men the last stand, from the sounds of everything it sounds like the last x-men movie of its series. i exspect this movie to be amazingly done like the previous x-men movies.This storyline of the Phoniex is being drawn out, the x-men are freaking out, what are we going to do against the bad guys and BAM!!!!!!!! i'm not going to say who but EVERYONE YOU THOUGHTS WAS THE BEST CHARACTER DIES!!!!!!!!!!!! well not everyone but the main x-men. this ending crushes all hope of me ever watching x-men the last stand, again... the movie i admit is a good movie but the ending just crushed it for me. it went from so-so to plain poop.... I often judge movie based upon the ending, A movie may be incredibly incredible but if it just has a bad, cliche, or stupid ending then it drops in opinion to me...the list impression i have of a movie is possibly the most important to me...

What truly kills an amazing movie for you? beginning, middle, end, storyline, believeable acting, guns, love, sex, humor, Chuck Norris deciding the factor of a dodgeball competition...


  1. I think the sin that crushed that movie the most was probably that Nightcrawler wasn't in it. It seemed like they were building him up so well in X2 and then Alan Cummings just decided he didn't want to do it so they just abandoned the whole thing. I wouldn't be that concerned about deaths though because no one stays dead in the comic book world except Uncle Ben. They're all just one plot device away from coming back to life.

  2. so true...poor Uncle Ben. The Spiderman franchised never suffered enough for him to come back as a killer cyborg or Dallas Cowboy cheerleader

  3. Well, my opinion is probably worthless, considering I don't know much about comic books (besides the basics I read online about the "X-men" & "Spiderman" after I first saw their movies).
    To me, I've always liked the "X-men" films more than "spider-man".
    I thought "X2" was fantastic (the ending blew me away) &, even though "X3" wasn't QUITE as good, it still really did it for me.
    The main problems included
    1) The new director. I'm just not a fan of his, but he did a decent job.
    2) Halle Berry. Her performance in all the movies is just bland.
    3) The split-storyline. Honestly, the whole 'cure' plot was pretty uninvolving.
    The ending really worked, for me at least. Despite the flaws of the movie as a whole, the film's final few minutes were just phenomenal.

  4. it wasn't as bad as the nick fury movie staring david hasselhoff
