Monday, February 8, 2010

Oakcrest senior appalled by poverty she saw while in Haiti - : Press

Oakcrest senior appalled by poverty she saw while in Haiti - : Press

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  1. lol @ "The next day the (ship) buffet was full all day long" The buffet was full because cruise passengers PAID for it, not because the food came off of Haitian plates.
    With all of the American aid and relief efforts, I doubt Haitian police would be chasing people away without a reason. It's more likely that people congregating around tourist areas had been caught stealing before.

  2. Ummm...I do not think the implication was that the buffets were stolen off of Haitian plates. The implication, rightfully so, was directed at the American corporation and international passengers that chose to eat to excess without making the moral decision to donate it to those who are starving.
