Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Congratulations to Mr Costal!! Gone, but not really- Never Forgotten

Congratulations to our own Mr Costal on his promotion to English & Foreign Language Supervisor!  I will miss him this upcoming year teaching the Film Institute as will the students.  Thankfully we will have Mr Costal's input, reflections and writings continue on this blog.  I loved having the chance to teach with him through the years, and having the opportunity to teach and learn from all the Oakcrest film students.   Those of you that we're lucky enough to have him as a teacher realize how passionate,  funny,  dynamic and committed he was towards film education and towards our growth and learning.  Joe gave 100% every day and I 've seen him change many lives, in so many different ways.  So to the Father of the Oakcrest Film Institute I say good luck, God bless and go get 'em!!!


  1. Go Weisback!!- Nick Tomasello

  2. Thanks so much, hermano. It means the world to me. This Institute is in very capable hands with Mr. Weisback, P. Widdy, Scruffaluffagus, Nosferatu. Upward and onward!
