Monday, March 3, 2014

Results of the Oakcrest Oscar Predictions

The 6,000 members of the academy voted and as expected many of you fell short since you didn't think Gravity could win (you may have been led astray by Mr Clark's vitriol for the film), but out of 10 nominations - Gravity picked up 7 Oscars including a big one for Best Director, and was the big winner.  12 Years won 3:  Best Picture (Brad Pitt's first), Best Supporting Actress - Lupita Nyong'o edged out Jennifer Lawrence (who fell again getting out of her car), and Best Adapted Screenplay.  Wolf of Wall Street had a bad night and didn't receive any Oscars.  American Hustle was a bust, having walked in with 10 nominations and left with none.  Dallas Buyers Club roped in a few awards with Matthew McConaughey winning Best Actor and giving a great speech.

On a side note, I can't believe some actresses actually ate pizza - probably the first time a carbohydrate hit their mouths since high school.  Didn't see George Clooney in the audience, was he still in space?  Overall a good show with a lot of great films.

Results of the Oscar Predictions (check your ballots):

1)  Chloe -  19 out of 24 (had all the big ones, missed on 5,  awesome job, you should try Powerball next)
2)  Mr Weisback - 16  (this was my best year ever, Gravity helped me!)
3)  Luke -  15  (missed some minor categories, but had the big ones)
4)  Kenny - 14 (missed big categories, but had everything else)
5)  Tyler Baldi - 13 (spread out)
5)  Isaiah - 13 (tied with Tyler)
6)  Erica - 12 
6)  Jon - 12
6)  Christl - 12
7)  Mr Costal - 11 (hurt by American Hustle predictions)
7)  Sam Guzman - 11
7)  Connor Dindak - 11
7)  Abi Wilcox - 11

rest of the pack......

*Mr Clark and Mr Lockwood - gone fishing

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