Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Understanding Oceania


  1. Explain the three elements of INGSOC.
  2. Explain Winston's view of reality and the futility of his journal writing.

1: III
  1. Explain doublethink.
  2. Do people actually engage in this? Come up with an example and explain.
  1. Describe Winston's job.
  2. Winston explains the unreality of statistics. Explain his example and the difference between boots on paper and actual physical boots.
  3. Describe the art created for the Proles.
  1. Syme is an expert on Newspeak. Explain this language, its goals, and its effects on humanity.
1: VI
  1. Explain the Party's view on prostitution.
  2. Explain the Party's views and goals regarding sexual intercourse.
  3. Describe Winston and Katherine's sex life. 

Here are two of the symbolic images from Children of Men.

Pablo Picasso's "Guernica"

Pink Floyd, "Animals"

According to Roger Waters, the album is loosely based on George Orwell's allegorical novel, Animal Farm.

John Lennon/Jasper

1 comment:

  1. I honestly enjoyed both “The Obsolete Man” and “#12 looks just like you” because both can be life lessons. “The obsolete Man” proved that what goes around comes around and “#12 looks just like you” explained that being like everyone is the same as being nobody. The only thing I didn’t like about “#12 looks just like you” is the ending, when she started to like run away, I thought she was going to get away, and be herself, but she decided to be like everyone else because it was the easier choice. I try not to take the easier way out in life because what is life without risks? “The Obsolete Man” was probably the one I liked the most because Chancellor got what he deserve, he ate his own words basically. I love the lesson what goes around comes around because it’s true, if you treat people the way you want to be treated then they’ll treat you like you treat them. So I did enjoy both shows, but “The Obsolete Man” was a little better because it had a better ending and better lesson. -Tiffany Valiante
