Wednesday, July 8, 2009

10 in 2010

So I'm kinda surprised no one posted anything about this yet - But the nominations for Best Picture next year at the Academy Awards has been expanded from 5 to 10.

I'm not quite sure how I feel about this decision, and I guess I won't really know until they announce the nominees in February. But with the way last year's awards went, with Slumdog taking practically EVERYTHING, I do like the idea. It seems a little odd that they would only increase the nominees for best picture though. If the Academy is trying to "recognize and include some of the fantastic movies that often show up in the other Oscar categories, but have been squeezed out of the race for the top prize", wouldn't it have made more sense to just increase ALL of the nominations to 6 or 8?


  1. Yeah read that like when it was announced... this should have been the case last year, not this year which I can't think of a single great movie to come to the screens this year. Watchmen and Up might get a nominations. Granted the Oscar movie season hasn't even started, but I just have low hopes. If Shutter Island is nearly as good as it looks, it might be Scorsese's year again.

  2. It's all about ratings...unfortunately...I wish the Acadmey would stop thinking about the all-mighty dollar and start thinking about its legacy and importance to cinema.

  3. ^ I agree with Mama Cass...

    ( I have high hopes for "Shutter Island"...looks reallyyy creepy...)

  4. You're preachin' to the choir Costal!

  5. i just realized how close it is to the beginning of the school year, i remember when costal gave us the packet of movies and we all made fun of slumdog millionaire just by the description, until all of sudden we saw what was really in store a few months... there is still time for movies to come out

  6. costal when you get that article again, you should put it up for alumni viewing pleasures :0

  7. woah... we're alumni o__o weird
