Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Costal's Rhet & Comp @ Stockton College -- Spring 2010: MTV's “Jersey Shore” review: newyorker.com



  1. I liked the article but have only been able to sit through one episode of the show. Even though it was funny at times, watching it was almost painful. The hardest part for me is accepting the fact that such ignorant, self-absorbed people actually exist. It seems like reality shows like the Real World and Jersey Shore are, besides mindless entertainment, just reasons for teenagers to stay narcissistic, immature dim-wits well into their adulthood. I don't mean to sound like such a cynic, I love mocking our ridiculous society as much as the next guy, but shows like this seem to lean too much towards reality and lack the amount of satire necessary for me to not completely lose hope in humanity. Sorry for the rant, but I have to say- I feel better.

  2. well said...and yes, I agree, reality show stars do breed self-absorbed teens...so too does self-propelled technology like Facebook.

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