Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Don't Let the Wrong One in Either

Read "Let the Right One In" NYT review and comment...possible topics include:

1. the simple: aren't little vampire girls the creepiest type of vampires?

2. the hot topic: why do you think human/vampire relationships are so chic right now? (Let...In, Twilight, True Blood, etc)

3. the academic: are human/vampire relationships really just a manifestation of Victorian era social suppressions?

4. the Christmasy: If you were dating a vampire, what would you get it for Christmas? Or, would Halloween be more the gift exchange type holiday?


  1. Costal I didn't know what to do and I created my own blog.

  2. It's ok....I was late in getting it out...you young go getter...any answers to my questions?

  3. This comment is from Gadi....

    This film doesn't appear to be the typical vampire film, the storyline is very unique. Oskar, alienated from his peers, befriends his neighbor Eli, a blood sucking 12 year old from the underworld; apparently, people from Sweden have a different take on "the girl next door". Director Tomas Alfredson seems to have done well in telling his story with cinematograghy, such as the stillness in many of the indelible images and the pale faces he gives the two main characters.

  4. The thought that a little girl, the same girl who I traded pokemon cards with, the same girl who I shared a secret note passing backyard mailbox, the same girl who I wandered the woods with aimlessly looking for an adventure to jump up and bite us on the nose (most of the time it was an unseen branch, but nonetheless) is insane. The idea so portray an innocent, sweet, and warm-hearted as a cold blooded, ruthless, conniving blood sucker is so mind boggling that I may indeed sleep with the lights on, garlic necklace in hand and silver steak under the pillow, then I again I just may not sleep.

    Vampires are intriguing. Economic times are intriguing, but boring. Vampires are mysterious and in times of instability Americans always seem to turn to cinematic horror as opposed to sunshine ans sappy hopeless love stories. Perhaps the innovative inventors of cinema, and television have adapted this trend and turned in a quick cash product. But is it the ambiguity associated with Vampires that makes them so lavish to humans, or is it the Victorian fantasy that they carry?

    I tend to side with the superstitions. For hundreds and hundreds of years on end , stories have been passed down of sheer horror and certain death if a vampire is to strike. For the season of Halloween, vampires can once not kill undetected, and that speaks towards the scriptures.

    For Christmas, every Vampire truly desires a home cinema. I mean this is the Film Institute, and what a better gift to give than to show how someone is depicted in the eyes of the world. Maybe it will start a worldwide Vampire craze, sucking the life of hopeless people (Joe Buck, Tim Mccarver, and Bud Selig) just to name a few.

  5. 1.Yes little girls are the creepiest type of vampires. How many 12 years are blood sucking creatures? The "Times" chose a great photo from the movie for this review, the blood streaming down her face shows the well done story telling by Tomas Alfredson with the use of visual effects.

    2. Having human/vampire relationships in movies brings an interesting twist to the films. Audiences see an oxymoron in regards to romance. Tomas Alfredson takes a new approach to the preception of "the girl next door".

    3. Sorry, I don't know enough about that time period to speak on it.

    4. I would be horrified first in foremost, but maybe a pet bat, who knows, they might just be related.

  6. I keep trying to make myself like this film (even though all we've seen and read are merely reviews and previews via imdb.com). The only thing I can picture whenever I even think about this film is that Disney movie, or whatevertf it came from, with the little boy and the glasses with the kind of annoying voice and snobbish attitude who befriends the family of vampires and becomes best friends with the youngest son--don't get me wrong, I loved that movie when I was younger, but I don't think that is what Tomas Alfredson intended for me to think. I guess I'll just have to wait until the film comes out in wide-release to fully understand and appreciate...

    If I were dating a vampire (which I would not be because I believe that werewolves are so much more bad a), I would buy him a UV-free sun-lamp. OR a new coffin, post-Pimp My Ride (or, pimp my coffin, whatever as long as it has a built in stereo and 32" plasma HD-TV and DVD player, Playstation 3... the works).

    BTW, Rob Zombie 'Halloween' is definitely not appropriate to view in class, unless there is a non-unrated version out there somewhere. (Lots of women anatomy and... the other thing you sometimes learn in anatomy...babies?) We should start fresh on our movie idea pickin's! How about 'The Muppet Christmas Carol'??

  7. Cassie...if your posts are always laugh out loud funny...well, I dunno, but wow. I laughed out loud, I'll say it again...laughed out loud...someone should really come up with a shorter way to say that.

    Anywho, thanks for the review on Rob, Mr. Zombie if you're nasty.
    And is the Disney movie you are refering to the one with the big-headed Jerry Maguire kid? And does he have a drug habit or baby with Britney Spears, yet? If not, what is he waiting for?

  8. Hey Cass - The movie you're thinking of is The Little Vampire, I'm pretty sure. And also, Muppet's Christmas Carol is the bestttt! :D It's almost as festive as Santa Claus Conquers the Martians. Almost.

  9. 1. the little vampire girls are the creepiest. If it the types of film were they don't let you know she is a vampire till half way through the film, then you would never expect a sweet inoent 12 year old from nexyt door to be a blood sucking vampire.

    2. even though that we know, the movies aren't real, we find that so bizzare. That a human would have a relationship with a vampire. As a society we like to see weird stuff like that.

    3. I know nothing about that subject.
    4. it wouldn't be garlic bread, but probly a number 7 yankees jersey. so they can be introduced to one of the best center fielders ever. yea the Mick.

    I'm out like a fat chick in dodge ball.

  10. First off let me start off by saying that I am not a scary movie person so vampires no matter what the age, shape or color, they scare me. Now what is even scarier about this is that she has the appearance of a sweet and innocent little girl but in reality she is not. Finding that out would defiantly leave me in my bed, eyes wide open all night with a gralic strand around my neck.

    The topic of vampires, which i never really thought about it or saw, is begin to appear every where. Who wouldnt want a relationship with one. I mean the only thing wrong with them is that they suck your blood and you die. Its no big deal or anything. Movies all over are putting vampires in their horror films. I think that is because they can be seen as nice and innocent and then the next thing you know they are sucking the blood from someones neck. The freeky factor of not knowing they are a vampire until the end of the movie will defiantly keep you guessing about people you know. Who knows maybe we all are vampires, maybe im a vampire?

    I am not so much a superstitous person but ocassionally i believe. Vampires may not be one of them that i believe but like i said before who knows, someone in our class could be a vampire. If that were to happen i think it would be Weisback. Cute, funny and on the low. Well watch out class because we could be next.

    Halloween would probably be the best day to exchange gifts and i would get them a new set of grillz. Who said vampires cant have sharp pimped out teeth. "The tops all diamonds and the bottom rows gold."

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Hey! I had to get on now because I couldn't use the computer last night..we had electricity problems. anyway, that didn't stop me from reading the article. I'm pretty excited because Zander and I just got Twilight for The Game; this vampire thing does not cease to entertain me. I have to admit that I just recently jumped onto the Twilight bandwagon. It is by no means Harry Potter, but the macabre, grotesque themes and the gothic adventures that ensue are immensely attention-grabbing. So kudos to Tomas Alfredson. His film looks beautiful -especially on the cinematography front- and delightfully dark. I'd definitely watch it!
    PS- I'd like to say more, but school calls. Can't wait for Film though! :):)

  13. For starters, I agree with Devon - I don't mess with scary. Scary movies have never really been my thing and most of my friends don't like seeing scary movies with me because I'm the girl that talks through the whole thing to ease my nerves. That's right, I'm THAT girl.

    But after reading this article, I honestly may give "Let the Right One In" a shot. It seems unique. It may be about vampires but it's not the same old Dracula storyline. It doesn't come off as the type of movie that is seen for scaring purposes only.

    Little girls are the creepiest type of ANYTHING scary, especially vampires. Little girls are supposed to be cute and innocent, not blood sucking. If you think about it, anytime a little girl is "scary" in a film, it's immediately the first thing someone will report about the film after they're done watching it. "That little girl was SO creepy!" CoughDakotaFanningCough. Just looking at her creeps me out.

    Human/Vampire relationships are different from the average boy/girl relationship, which is what draws such a wide audience. And believe me, there is a HUGE audience for Twilight.. pictures and quotes from the books have been taking over Facebook Bumper Stickers for quite some time now and I can't wait for this phase to die down so that I can get back to bumper sticker viewing without asking "WHO IS EDWARD CULLEN." But essentially, everyone knows the story of high school relationships - but when you throw a vampire into the mix and a couple of 12 year olds, you've got a good story.

    And if I were to buy a gift for a vampire, it'd have to be a tanning membership.

  14. I'm just going to start off by saying... I'm confused. Haha, but if you've had me for the past three years, you'd already know that.

    1. I think little girl vampires are the cutest things in the world. If I had a little girl, I think it'd be cool if she was a vampire. I actually don't think any vampires are creepy. People who are scared of vampires are pathetic. They're obviously not real.. what is there to be scared of?

    2. I honestly don't know why vampire/human relationships are so "in" right now. But I'm a fan of the Twilight Saga and if you haven't read any of the books- NOW IS THE TIME TO DO SO.

    3. Hmm...

    4. I don't think Halloween would be the more gift type exchange for vampires. They like human blood. In Port Republic, we don't hand that out.. but I don't know about you Mays Landingers. For Christmas, I would go to a blood drive and get all the blood I could for my vampire. He'd love that.

    Widdy is my boyyyyy.

  15. This is Leslie commenting through Em's because I never got an e-mail to invite me to this!!..

    In an scary movie, little children creep me out the most. there could be a big, 7 foot tall monster or strong man who could kill ten people at once but if you throw a little 10 year old kid in the mix, I get freaked out. In Freddy, the scariest part is the girls singing. Children give me chills- maybe that's why I hate babysitting...I'm gonna be a horrible mother.

    Vampire/human relationships is wierd and I personally would never date one. I go for more of the warm, cuddlely type, personally. When movies have unrealistic monsters or events happening, it's hard for me to picture it all being real. This relationship, if anything, seems more awkward than creepy. If i were a vampire I would feel bad when my hopeful boyfriend found out a was a vampire.
    Honestly, acedemically, I couldn't tell you one thing about a vampire era....

    I don't buy anyone Christmas presents...Santa Claus does.

  16. I completely agree with Darrell. Having someone as a friend, someone you were close and comfortable with, that shares a terrifying secret, such as being a vampire, is beyond creepy. The little girl's innocence in the movie makes you think that any little girl could be a blood-sucking monster and you should watch your back...or your neck.

    Romance stories involving human/vampire relationships are erotic and unrealistic which intrigues many movie viewers and story readers. Vampires are exotic and romantic at the same time. The thought of a man being able to seduce you is incredibly sexy and many women go crazy with that fantasy.

    If i were dating a vampire, I would mainly celebrate Halloween and I would give him garlic as a gag gift and The Monster Squad movie.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Sorry for commenting and adding so late but due to the fact that my family is utterly horrible I won’t be able to access this from home for a while (aka when my mom feels like paying the cable bill again). I’ll do it at James’ when I can, but I’ll figure something out shortly. Anyway, I’ll make a comment on topic number 4; it seems a bit more interesting than the rest.

    If I were dating a vampire (although sometimes it feels like it because when James isn’t at school or at work, he’s sleeping) and I had to get it a Christmas present, I would probably be in the same situation I’m currently in with Christmas this year. I couldn’t get him a sweater because he would never warm-up or be cold, I couldn’t really get him anything fancy because he could probably get it himself, and I wouldn’t want to make him anything because he would probably break it. I couldn’t get him a gift card to Wawa because I don’t think that a vampire would like a 12 oz coffee to go along with whatever blood filled creature he just ate.

    So I guess that leaves me with no other options. Why are we focusing on Christmas though? Birthdays would be just as tough, if not tougher. Imagine dating someone who could possibly be as old as your great-grand mother (assuming they’re still alive) or maybe even hundreds of years older than that. What in the world would you think about getting someone who is as old as dirt and doesn't have a use for it.

  19. I dont know if i could (even thoeretically) date a vampire. Legends say they can read minds, move faster than light, and some say they can mesmerize people. Not only that, but their supposed to be perfect looking. I don't know about any of you, but i would have bnot only self esteem issues, but trust issues. Besides, how could you date anyone who could be 300 years older than you? As for i birthday/christmas/ halloween gift, i'd go with with the ever so typical black cape. who knows, maybe he'd have a sense of humor. :)

  20. You figured it out Devon - I am a vampire!! Watch Out!

  21. Hey i finally got my invite for the blog today.
    So "Let the Right One In" I'm not going to lie but if i met Eli the vampire, 'bye bye rebecca hello 200 year old vampire girl!!! ...it would be like Louie and Lastat from "Interview with the Vampire" except zander and eli, so little vampire girls are soo creepy because of something so innocent actually being incredibly horriful and possess such evilness. Althought the creepy is there, i'm still in love with eli, YES DARRELL SHE DID TRADE POKEMON CARDS WITH YOU BUT SHE LOVE ME

    The reason people are fond of human/vampire storylines are because its such a tempting subject. if someone gave you the option to live for all eterity wouldn't you think about it or even question the greatness. Then there is the 'i want something in my life so dangerous and adventerous' almost every girl goes through this problem


    Idk what i would get my wife for christmas. maybe a cow, cause a vampire cow would be flipping AWESOME!!!!!

  22. I think there would be definate pros and cons about dating a vampire.

    First of all, Vampires are a cheap date because in most myths they don't eat actual food other than blood, hence the cost of eating out is removed.

    Of course this has a downside too. Food is a fundamental part of the wooing process. Without the promise of rich chocolately desserts, I'd have to try and attract the opposite sex using my "looks" or "personality," and Lord knows those won't get me far. Frankly, without chocolate or ice cream, I'd be left with absolutely no way to impress the opposite sex.

    On the other hand, this may just be a film stereotype, but female vampires are, as far as I remember, superhot. Male vampires, on the other hand, range from Max Schreck to Leslie Nielson. Is it just me, or is the smell of "Low expectations" in the air?

    Of course the whole "nocturnal" thing could provide a whole new set of problems. Quite frankly, you would have a girlfriend who not only wants to talk late at night when you want to sleep, but for practical reasons could ONLY talk to you at night without bursting into flames. Vampire women could just become the most godawful needy girlfriends ever. Not to mention how controlling a woman with the power of hypnosis could become.

    But while I can see some very definate problems with dating a vampire, to be honest it's not like the human women are throwing themselves at my feet. So yeah, I would totally date a vampire.

  23. 1. That's just a matter of opinion. Personally, I think that infant vampires would be the most horrifying. Although, I am influenced by the Twilight series a bit, and I don't think of Vampires as "bursting into flame" in the sunlight because of it as well. In the books, they refer to them as the 'Immortal children', and they can't learn like a normal child (stuck as infants forever), they can't die, and they have no concept of hiding, so basically they just eat everyone, but I'm getting off topic slightly with this and I'm sure you people don't want to listen to me ramble on.

    2. I think that in a way, it's something that we all want: the perfect significant other if you will. In a world where divorce is becoming more and more common, where failed relationships are hurting more and more, people want the idea of that perfect person to love(hence all the 'Darn you Edward Cullen, why aren't you real?' Pieces of Flair on Facebook). Of course, the bloodsucking aspect always poses some problem, but it is considered a small price to pay for true love in the cases of the Vamp/Hume relationships of today.

    3. The most I know about the Victorian era is that it the women sported lavish gowns and dresses at parties. I guess if what you mean is old-fashioned, I'd have to agree. Since Vampires live forever then they most likely came from a time period where values are you get married, you have children, women are the homemakers blah blah blah, the relationship would most likely be touched by those ideals.

    4. A present for the Vampire boyfriend... What to get... Being against the curve as I am, I prefer pale over tan. Go ahead, shun me. However, for a present, I'd say a teething ring. Gotta give him something to keep him from eating me or anyone else.

    Oh and by the way, I know I'm probably the only person in the FI to have read and enjoyed the Twilight series. It'll probably be my downfall won't it?

  24. weisback = count chocula?!!!

    sam, i think you need to get your list out.. this calls for an upgrade!

  25. Jon said:

    "Male vampires, on the other hand, range from Max Schreck to Leslie Nielson..."

    quotes like these are why I teach.


  26. 1) I think that any child-vampire is scary primarily because children are supposed to be innocent and sweet. The idea that the normal, sweet-looking child you might see is an evil creature is frightening because it implies the corruption of innocence. This is a thought that terrifies everyone deep down. This is how I feel anyway...also, children are just generally scarier in horror films anyway...

    2)I really have no idea. Maybe they're making a comeback (maybe last year's "30 Days of Night" kick-started the new vampire trend?). "Twilight" probably has alot to do with it. The books have built a huge fanbase, so maybe they've decided to branch out and discover all things vampire-related.

    3) Probably. Besides being viewed as 'pure evil', vampires have usually been regarded as sensual, sophisticated and very erotic. This probably stems from the very proper social behavior of that time period, where people were stifled and sexually supressed, so their supressed sexuality emerged as the vampire.

    4) Everyone loves christmas, especially me, so exchanging christmas presents is a must.
    I can be horrible when it comes to think of something to buy for people, so I'd probably give them something they could re-gift easily.

    RZ's "HALLOWEEN" is, as I said, a little too extreme for class.
    It's an amazing film, but, Rob has a very different style than Carpenter, he likes to amp everything up. It's his own unique touch.
    But the movie has some disturbing moments, so watching it in class would just not be a good idea.
    So yeah, Cass is right. =D
