Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Jesus, Mary and Joseph...the Irish in Film

Read this article from the NYT on Pride and Glory and Irish stereotypes...You must post something on one of this week's articles to receive credit, so get movin O'Malley!


  1. As the son of a cop, and being 75% Irish I can tell you all that many stereotypes about Irish cops are true. The drinking, violence, emotional rollercoaster family life, fighting, etc. was certainly true with my Dad. He saw the world one way - as a cop. There was the good guys (cops), and the bad (everyone else). The hard part is that a cop's family is usually caught between the two and it can be horrible in many ways. Remember that when you see Irish cops loosing it - many times it is more frightening and traumatizing than anything ever experienced!

  2. i just thought of one movie right off the bat with six of the seven cop cliches, The Departed very irish in Boston, Jack from titanic has an irish accent and the previous joker/anger management doctor as a mob boss. If you haven't seen the Departed WATCH IT!!!!

    From watching the departed and can just see how insane it must be to just be a cop in all. Much of the stereotypes has truth to it, which make them even more real, sometimes the stereotypes just have to exist because of the realism.
