Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Dr. Strangelove I Presume!!

Since we are now viewing Dr. Strangelove, here's some trivia about the film (thanks to our friends at www.imdb.com):

  • Peter Sellers was paid $1,000,000 for his work on the film (five-ninths of the film's budget). Kubrick famously quipped "I got three for the price of six".

  • Peter Sellers improvised much of his dialog during filming!

  • The original ending was supposed to be a pie fight in the War Room!

  • Dr. Strangelove apparently suffers from agonistic apraxia (also known as "alien hand syndrome".

  • One version of the script featured all of the action being observed by aliens from outer space!

  • Number 3 in the American Film Institute's list of 100 greatest comedies

  • President Muffley (Peter Sellers) was patterned after Adlai Stevenson.

  • General Ripper's paranoia about water fluoridation is based on a conspiracy theory by the John Birch Society, which was founded in 1958 and was prominent in conservative politics for a short time in the early 1960s!

  • Gen. Buck Turgidson (George C. Scott) was patterned after Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Curtis LeMay, who was renowned for his extreme anti-Communist views and who once stated that he would not be afraid to start a nuclear war with the Soviet Union if he was elected President!


  1. - It apparently put Mr. Costal to sleep! (or so he's told me)

  2. You guys are uping the amount of films you watch this year. Not like I'm being negatively effected because I've seen all of them. Just an observation.

    As for Dr. Strangelove... probably one of the most influential movies for me. Kubrick knew the public wouldn't respond to his message if he went about it in a serious tone and instead he made a one of the best satire films of all time. The man was brilliant. Peter Sellers is so funny in this. But with all the laughs along the way, you still get so choked up with the suspense. Brilliant, Brilliant, Brilliant.
