Sunday, September 27, 2009


This movie looks awesome. i cant remember the last time a movie trailer scared me. I believe its supposed to be like The Blair Witch Project, like they "found the footage" of this couple. It looks awesome though!


  1. omgggggg. that's insanee. if this was not a blog hosted by our school i would be typing a bunch of profanity expressing how scary and awesome this looks. haha.

  2. HPNIARHNKAFDBK;!!!!! spazzin out on the computer cause i just cant wait to see an actual ridiculously terrifying paranormal film :DD

  3. Supposedly, this thing is pretty scary.
    I'm dying to see it...hoping it will be as effective as "[REC]", which was terrifying.

  4. I liked this movie better the first time when it was called REC.

  5. Eh. I'm not impressed.

    That one viral video released for the poughkeepsie tapes (not the trailer...if you've seen the 20 second clip I mean, you know what I'm talking about) got me much more worked up than this.

    I could be wrong but it seems to me like a cash-in on this whole faux-amateur genre that's been on the rise.

  6. Hated REC... not going to see this one. At least REC was zombies, but that could have been why i could call everything that happened. Blah. I'll be the one person that hated it though, so I'll shut up.
