Monday, September 28, 2009

The Weekenders

The summer musical project that turned to the new local new wave/punk/tropical/afro-beat band, The Weekenders.

The Story: On a Spring day in 2009 in Arizona State University, I, Armando Peralejo (Film Institute Alumni) received a call from Ryan Carroll (Honorary Film Institute Alumni...he was there more than others at times cough cough). We talked about going back to Mays Landing at the end of our college semesters and what we could do over the summer. I told him that I wanted to make a short film over the summer that we could co-write. (Look at past post for the film Quietus) He said he was down to do this but also wanted to work on music. I told him I that I would love to work on music over the summer. At the time we figured these songs would be projects which we can impress girls with later. I'm joking, or am I?

Well we got back home from college and began work. At first it was mostly Ryan Carroll(Guitar and vocals), Kristen Sereci(drums),Mikey Henry(Synth), and myself (bass and back up vocals) jamming in Ryan's basement. Finally Ryan came up with the bass riff for the "Does the Devil," it was catchy and when we all started playing it together it sounded awesome. Then all the other songs quickly came about. We felt that with these songs we should make up a band name, and after much brain storming we became The Weekenders. Ryan and I felt it was important to come out of the summer with a film and a demo. So August, became a really hectic month full of planning, filming, and long nights recording in Ryan's basement with Bill Smallwood. We were able to have a private listening party before we all left for the summer with friends and family. The demo made its way onto the internet approximately August 20th. Now we are all across America going to school but Ryan and I are currently writing tunes which we hope to work on in December. For my 20th birthday on December 30 we hope to have a show. You heard it first. To make a long story short we got back from college made a band, recorded some music, and the future is unwritten. Enjoy the tunes!

A couple songs from the demo.
Does the Devil.mp3 Alternate link just incase above is blocked
(2) Underwear.mp3

you may need to download before you can listen, still working out the audio kinks, but they can be heard at myspace or facebook.
Costal I emailed you a compressed folder with the songs.

check out the


  1. so um, where's the film that came out of this.

    music showcasing is nice and all, but i want to know about the film that started all of this?

    did you forget about it and just continue with the music and scratched the film?

    i'd like to get a preview... anyone with me?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. the film that was put up was Quietus, the music isnt based on any of the movie or vice-versa, just the writers were making music and writing the movie at the samme time, really nothing to do with each other, and if you read the blog better than you would see that the movie was put on on a previous blog. costal just asked Armando to blog about to the music to show the F.I. any kind of review for the music at least? who is ground?

  4. hahaha this is a friendly post. let's get some weekenders-love!! no more haters.
