Friday, September 18, 2009

Game On!

Chicle and the Apostles hit the ground running, laying out $118 mil for CLOUDY...MEATBALLS (a Pixar-esq Sony fam jam) & LOVE HAPPENS (the new Rachel from FRIENDS rom-com vehicle).

Stanley Fishbein chases the teen boy market with the new Diablo Cody movie, a horror, Jennifer's Body for $15 mil. Be worth every penny if someone gets bludgeoned with a hamburger phone.

And probably the weekend's winner, PEACHES BLEED offers up a heaping helping of Matt Damon with The Informant for $22 mil. More on the opening weekend of the Game very soon


  1. Secret of the Game: Don't go into debt
    Another Secret of the Game: Horror movies are great.

  2.'re playing the game again?! Dang it! I always wished we could have continued with it.. :c

  3. false, children movies are great! because you got the kid's ticket, then you got the rents-who-have-to-take-their-kids-but-secretly-hate-them's ticket!!
