Thursday, January 1, 2009


Well, my hours at work have been cut a great deal in the last couple of weeks, so I've been spending my time sitting home watching movies and television.

Amazing movies I've watched so far over break:
Erin Brockovich (Julia Roberts & Albert Finney)
Rendition (Reese Witherspoon & Jake Gyllenhaal)
Dark Knight (for the third time) (Heath Ledger & Christian Bale)
The Killing of John Lennon (Jonas Ball)

Movies I plan on watching before returning:
Reality Bites (Winona Ryder & Ethan Hawke)
Seven (Brad Pitt & Morgan Freeman)
Vantage Point (Dennis Quaid & Forest Whitaker)
Pulp Fiction & Scarface (It's true, I've never seen either of them. Don't hurt me.)

Any interesting movies anyone has watched over break?


  1. Watch Pulp Fiction first. Reality Bites, well, bites.

  2. I saw Slumdog Millionaire a few days ago...what a great movie...a gem that will really appeal to a much wider audience on DVD...I think it'll blow-up and do well on Oscar night.

  3. Actually, even though its a bit passed Halloween (lol) i watched REC, and let me tell you, I wanted to cry. It's so scary!

    Although it was very disappointing to see how a certain American movie that wont be named *cough*Quarantine*cough* remade it shot by bloody shot.

    I watched 30 Days Of Night for the umpteenth time, as well as Resident Evil: Extinction and an all time favorite: Who Framed Roger Rabbit.

    Oh, as well as Scrooge, The Christmas Story, and It's A Wonderful life... I think that's it....


  4. I've never watched "Erin Brockovich" (I'm not a fan of Julia Roberts).
    "Rendition" wasn't as good as I'd hoped it would be...
    "The Dark Knight"...well, everyone loves it...including me.
    (I can't believe anyone hasn't seen "Pulp" though...)

    Let's see, over break, I've seen:
    "The Day the Earth Stood Still (It wasn't as bad as most made it out to be, but it wasn't that great either. I have no idea what Jennifer Connelly was doing in it)
    a couple christmas movies I watch every year ("Black Christmas" [1974], "A Christmas Story", etc)

    Oh & "DOUBT"...which may just be the best movie I've seen all year...It was phenomenal!

  5. I feel this is the perfect time to recoment to anyone and everyone to go see Syncdouchy, New York...NOW!

  6. I hope that was an unintended pun,

  7. i second the scene-it idea..i've played it three times over break so far! lol
    otherwise, i got city lights for christmas and watched it again. of course it was great. i watched the aviator yesterday and thought the cinematography was just beautiful. oh, and it happened one night was on the other day! i watched it. but one of my favorite movies is called the red shoes, and i highly suggest it. however, it might take some acquired taste. roger ebert said he ranks it as one of two best films using technicolor, among other things. happy new year!

  8. Well I saw Doubt in theaters which was amazing. And then I've seen The Dark Knight another 2 times, The Secretary, Cutthroat Island, all the Indiana Jones (guess who got his dvds!!!), The Seven Samurai again ( guess who got the dvd?! =D!), The Da Vinci Code, a Ron Howard documentary, Nevada Smith, all the Pirates of the Caribbean movies and Nation Treasure 2 (blah)...

    I watch movies everyday regardless haha. These were a bunch of re-watches or complete pieces of crap, except for a few. I should be seeing Slumdog Millionaire, Gran Torino, and Benjamin Button as well as whatever else interests me on demand and probably end up being in a P.T. Anderson mood and rent all his movies again.

  9. I saw Benjamin Button yesterday and fell in love. It just broke my heart. Not to mention the phenomenal makeup and CGI work that was done on Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett. It's a little Forrest Gump-y, but more existential. Please go see it! It was amazing.
