Saturday, October 10, 2009


Is it just me, or are 3D movies popping up all over the place now?
"Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" just got released, and I know there's more on the way,
and just yesterday, it was reported that Joss Whedon's "Cabin in the Woods" , a horror throwback, is being pushed back to January 2011 because the Studio wants the film rendered for 3D.
And THEN, it was announced that the next "HALLOWEEN" film will be titled "Halloween 3D" (probably because the ridiculous "The Final Destination" beat "Halloween II" out at the Box Office)...

So yeah, the popular trend seems to be releasing films in a Third-Dimension now...
What do you think??


  1. 3D has been popping up time and time again as a fad amongst film makers since it had first been invented about 50 years ago. It's been getting support lately by some bigger names, Spielberg and James Cameron, and so that might be a big enough push to keep it around for a while.

    Both Cameron and Spielberg admit that 3D can't save a poorly done film, but there are certain touches that modern 3D can add to a movie that both directors feel can be a useful tool. The problem with 3D is that most of the time directors will resort to using cheap tricks with it; that would be your z-axis cues, depth jumps, that spooky sharp knife thing or whatever that points out into the audience to scare them. These are things you'll see each time 3D pops up, and unfortunately it creates a bad image for 3D which will ultimately keep it as just a fad.

    What Cameron and Spielberg (and many others I assume) have plans of doing however, is using 3D to create a certain depth to their movies. If you make a movie with 3D in mind, it allows you to create a different sort of depth in your scenes, and if done correctly could give a much more unique feeling to a movie. If done correctly, that is.

    Like I said, though, there are more than enough movies who are using 3D just to use 3D and not for an special reason in their films. Unfortunately that seems to be the case with all of the movies you've mentioned, with the worst offender being The Final Destination. Hopefully more directors will step up and start using this more as a tool for film making and less as a gimmick to make a quick buck.

  2. & thats the key for all modern technology. Cameron & Spielberg, with Lucas, of course, standing Emperor-like in his shadowy robes, are such visual innovators. But for every Titanic and Raiders there are 50 movies with explosions for the sake of explosions...and that's never good.

  3. I've always looked at 3D as a 'gimmick', but it was fun. At this point I feel like it's just an unnecessary gimmick though...
    I mean, when "My Bloody Valentine" (which was awesome) came out in January, it was different because 3D movies weren't being released every other week.
    But now, I mean, there's no reason a "Halloween" movie should be made in 3D (but I guess that'll be the easiest part...I'd hate to have to come up with a way to start after the ending of RZ's part II), & that's just an example.
    I dunno...I find it a little ridiculous at this point...but whatever...
