Friday, October 2, 2009

What is he thinking?

There is the possibility that Quentin Tarantino is coming out with not just Kill Bill V. 3 but a V.4... interesting

Check it:

Does anyone feel that maybe he should change the name, since we all know Bill is dead?


  1. Well Tarantino has talked about the Kill Bill franchise expanding since it came out. He's not only talked about fully animated Kill Bill movies but also live action between The Bride and Nikki (Copperhead's daughter). He knows that it takes more effort to write movies then most people think. Inglourious Basterds was started before Kill Bill was made and was the size a mini-series before his rewrites. It's sort of sad that they are saying he just announced this when he said the same thing on Charlie Rose back when the film came out. The last interview I saw, he said he was pretty interested in shooting an actual western but who knows if that'll happen.

    Lastly... off course it should be called Kill Bill, its the franchise name... The Godfather dies in The Godfather... they didn't call the second one Michael Corleone Moves to Lake Tahoe.

  2. Im wondering if we'll ever see this, I really hope so...
    Loved The first II & am very interested in Seeing 'The Bride' taking on Copperhead's daughter...
    The whole anime thing doesn't really intrigue me, but I'm sold on the other idea.

  3. Well from the site I saw the post from, I do think that the idea of Kill Bill V 3 being the revenge of the two members of the Crazy 88's to be stupid. Correction, not stupid because everyone deserves their own story... (maybe) It seems to appease me and the public that a story of revenge of the second generation of Hitmen more interesting.

    Questions generated are so like "Well how did Copperhead's daughter learn to fight without her mother? What does her father play in part?"

    "How will Beatrix Kiddo's daughter react to the persecution?"

    Paul- I've never seen The Godfather.
    Whenever we watch it, will be the first time I've ever seen it... (fail)
