Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Angelina Jolie Article

Angelina Jolie has had a solid career, stating Al Pacino, Marlon Brando, and Jack Nicholson her role models. The daughter of actor Jon Voight, she is no stranger to the effects Hollywood has on family life. Deciding to make her children her main focus is admirable for someone of her stature. Many people, not just celebrities, with money hire caretaker to look after, and even raise their children. Obviously, she has her priorities in orders.


  1. I never really gave Angelina much thought, besides the fact that everyone in the world thinks she's gorgeous..which she is. As an Oscar winning actress, it is clear she has what it takes to be on top. Now I have not seen 'Changling' but my sister did. The article questions if Jolie has what it takes to capture an audience's belief that she is the character she plays. I asked Lauren, my sister, if she was drawn into the storyline more because of Jolie's acting or the unescapable dramatic storyline and Lauren quickly responded with, "The story-line. Jolie was good but seemed to almost be in a completely different world." Lauren did not say her acting was bad, nor did she say it wasn't oscar worthy. But personally, an actor's job is to help tell the story- not create their own. The article goes on to say how this movie has a bigger connection to Jolie because of her children and her mother's recent death. I completely agree with Gadi that her priorities are set correctly: family before profession. But is she doing her job correctly if she is geting too caught up in her personal family life when she is supposed to be portraying a completely separate life? Outstanding acting or not, did her super performance give enough justice to the movie as a whole?

  2. I agree with you Leslie about joggling between her career and her personal life. She must remain professional and focused on her roles if that is what she decides to do. I remember reading a few months ago about Chevy Chase and how he put his career on hiatus too raise his family. He had sense enough to realize that raising a family is a full time job in and of itself and working on films would jeopardize the time had with his children. Then on the other hand there's the Smith family; both Will and Jada have strong careers while raising two up incoming stars Jaden and Willow, the only one who lives a "normal" life is Will's son Trey. Somehow they find the balance between acting and real life.

  3. I personally think Jolie is a good example for other actresses to look up to. Balancing a career, family, and living in the public's eye is not easy, especially with the Pitt-Aniston drama in the past. It seems that she has a gift with children and a love for them. Obviously she has her priorities straight. Another thing I noticed is that on shows like E! News, you don't hear anything about problems her marriage may be having. Everything is kept private which is how it should be. Jolie doesn't flash herself around doing stupid stunts like dangling her baby over a balcony. She takes care of her family and lives her life. She knows when her career ends and her life begins which sets her aside from many celebrities who's families fall apart.

  4. And I completely agree with both comments BUT the point that I am getting at is just because she is a strong role model and has talented acting skills, does this play into her being one of the top actresses of our time? Putting all else aside (which Jolie may have trouble doing) is her acting the juggernaut that brings movies into blockbuster hits?

  5. Though Angelina has not captured my attention for she captures more of the male audience, she has made a name for her self. All while making a name for her self she has managed to keep her priorities straight. I agree with Leslie in the sense that family should come before profession. In a celebrity's world though thats a hard battle, for the Hollywood life is not given to them, but chosen by them. When chosing to do something i believe it should be your main focus, though i strongly believe family comes before EVERYTHING. In a celebrities eyes this may not be the same. Family, though not meant to on purpose, may take second sometimes due to a hectic schedule. Is this a good excuse? Angelina definatly sets her priorities straight, and i give her a lot of credit for that because it cant be easy. What really still amazes me it that she not only has her set priorities, she manages to act well too. This can not be said about most actors and actresses. I mean really, how many actors/actresses have well set priorities and still manage to do their job well?

  6. i think that Angelina Jolie has anything to worry about personally. I haven't seen the movie yet personally but the other things, i've seen her in, she was good. i absolutely agree that family should go before proffession. i don't think that it was bad to think about her personal life either, because then it can help you act the emotions into what you play.
