Tuesday, November 4, 2008

BARACK OBAMA, 44th President of the United States of America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Yep the Messiah has come, and now all our problems are solved. "Now I won't have to worry about paying my mortgage or for gas," as one Obama supporter on the news said the other day. The electricity of American naiveness has brought to life our new media Frankenstein, and whether you believe it or not, we'll all pay for it soon enough. In politics you don't have winners and losers, either we all win, or we all lose. We're all bound together, rapidly hurtling towards the same fate.

  2. Nicely said Jon.

    Well, I can’t say I’m upset by this happening, but I honestly don’t feel like listening to my father. The only upside to McCain getting in office: My father would finally shut his mouth.

    But I’m more than open to this Democratic president, even though for the last...oh...I don’t know... Year and a half I’ve heard nothing but bad things about him.

    Well, if things don’t work out we could VOTE BOB BARR! INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE FOR 2012! HELL YEAH!

    P.S- I don’t know what the final total was, but from what I hear McCain had no chance

  3. i feel strongly that this change in the white house could change our countrys economic situation

  4. I don't think it can be said any better, Jon.
    I don't particularly like McCain, and I'm not one to talk-politics, but I am nervous about where we are heading when many Americans voted for Obama because it 'was the COOL thing to do'.

  5. I strongly agree with Jon... Does anyone else feel like a lot of people voted on a racial basis only? I understand that being represented in government is a big deal but i think there more important issues to base your vote on... I'm not racist or anything, I'm not even that opposed to Obama, I just think he was elected for the wrong reasons...

  6. i second you strongly, Brandon, as well as Alex. I watched ABC's converage of the entire thing that night and EVERY exit poll was based on either sex or race. I believe there was also a few religion ones, but i wasn't paying too much attention.

    I just thought it was pretty funny how McCain won Georgia but ABC kept telling me that more than 70% of voters in Georgia were black.

    If it was Hilary Clinton running instead of Obama, they would have focused more on sex. If it was just another normal libral, it wouldn't have even been brought up. The media is really focusing on race now that we have our first black president. Why?

  7. valid point, but don't you think it's amazing? truly amazing? that we have our first african american president?... as americans, we've overcome so many obstacles! think of this, just around 50 years ago, blacks and whites weren't even allowed to share the same bathroom, the same water fountain, not even the same school! i just think this is incredible, and i am incredibly happy! especially as part of another minority group in the united states, this is a huge step and i'm so glad/proud to be an american at this point in time.

  8. hey this is me zander!

    why is it funny that 70% of georgia is black yet Mccain won that state britt??
    there is nothing funny about it, not all black people are going to vote Obama. Do you think that no African American has a valid opinion? i honestly don't understand what you're getting at...That is most definitely a racist statement...not funny

  9. I agree with you Cass, that it is incredible that our country has come far enough to elect an African-American as a president but I think it would say even more about our country if we could look completely past race and vote on candidates based on the issues facing our country.

  10. i wish that too, but would that have ever happen? if not now, then when? maybe this election is just opening bigger doors for the ones down the line... i think it's terrific (race-basis or not) and now that it is over what can anyone do, right? i think we should all just learn to be happy with the outcome and learn to appreciate it..

  11. **also, i truly believe that MANY people knew the political standings for each candidate and that even though it is a valid point to make that some people only voted for the race factor, there are still those hundreds and of thousandsss of people that voted for all the right reasons.

  12. Ok... Thats a fair enough arguement

  13. Not only will Barack Obama usher in the era of change among America, he evinces proposition that if you have a dream, go for it. WE are all seniors, siting in classes together with the kids we love, the kids we hate, the kids we don't even know for the last time. The LAST time. No mater the first time or the last time, there still is time. Time is just a guideline, a suggested period in which things happen. Now i know we cannot change time, but we can change. Obama's four years starts with us, so lets make the best of it.

  14. well, personally i voted for Obama. i watched all the debates and felt that his platform was the best. i don't think that the world will change because, contrary to popular belief, the president doesn't have that much power. but i am glad he won.
    O. my favorite part of the returns was when they announced him the winner. they were so calm about it. it was funny.
