Monday, November 3, 2008

Milkin' It


  1. I commented this really good reply to the article and my computer says their is an error. :(

  2. Legalizing gay marriage, sex education, protesters at the premiere, Milk may be the most controversial film of 2008. After viewing the trailer, Sean Penn looks like he portrayed Harvey Milk very well. The film features other names such as Emile Hirsch, the star from Into the Wild, and James Franco, well known from the Spider-Man films. Obviously, Milk will attract the gay community, but also viewers who are open minded and expect gay rights and marriage.

    The part in this article where the subject of sex ed was addressed reminded me of a story I heard about a gay teacher, this may sound crazy but my source is pretty accurate. The teacher took her young students on a field trip to watch her marry her significant other. Apparently, she told her students people would tell them that two men or two women marring each other is wrong, but not to believe them. To make a long story short, one of the students told his mother what they did in school that day, and his mother told him homosexuality was wrong. the boy responded to his mother, they said there would be people like you.
    That is a very important topic to bring up because what are schools going to teach students in sex ed in years to come.

  3. i can't believe this proposition 6 business... i had no idea! what a jerk! (post more tomorrow, long day).

  4. Maybe it’s just me, or maybe it’s not, but I’m not one to really judge someone by color, sex, sexual preference, race, religion, or any other way someone could possibly judge someone and become considered a racist. I guess you could say I ‘don’t see’ those things or I just see past them for the people they really are and judge them base on their personality and its flaws. Even if certain groups of people don’t like it, why should other groups of people with more power go through all the trouble to start and even bigger problem just because they don’t like something that another group of people who tend to leave everyone else alone because they’re not the same and the first group of people.

    UGH!!... People

  5. i think we all see those things, brit even if we don't want to. we can look past it, and hopefully we all do, but it's always an initial thought when you first meet or see someone, isn't it? you just gotta.... Do the Right Thing!

  6. ...also, Milk looks like an amazing and inspiring film. Sean Penn is a phenomenal actor and seems to play the part very well, as with any part (when I first saw Mystic River I cried with him, and I felt his pain for the loss of his daughter).

    This is a good topic to focus on as well, especially with the elections coming close to the end.. I think it's better to talk openly about these things and to have decent conversations and discussions about them.
    One side of my family is Catholic and follow the church very closely and I recently got into an argument with them about why they should vote Republican just because they are Catholics (because their pastor has been preaching to them to vote for McCain for that single reason alone). I just thing it is a ridiculous ideal to have to follow.. but how this relates to the article: we had a 30minute argued about the fact that they were Catholic meant that they were to vote against same-sex marriage...

  7. *think, *argument

    (i'm not downing anyone's religion, btw! i'm all for Catholicism! woot! i just think my family is being a bit radical.. is anyone else's family like this??)

  8. "Maybe in order to understand mankind, we have to look at the word itself: "Mank ind". Basically, it's made up of two separate words- "mank" and "ind". What do these words mean ? It's a mystery, and that's why so is mankind."

  9. I find this movie intriguing.
    While I doubt I would go out & see it, it looks pretty powerful...
    plus, I smell another Oscar for Sean Penn...
