Wednesday, November 5, 2008

There's no thief worse than a bad movie

So you've talked about what our favorite movies are, favorite movie presidents, video games that should be turned into movie... But now I'm curious to know what everyone's LEAST favorite movie(s) is(are).

I can only think of one movie that I recently watched that I hate with such a passion, it cannot be explained in words, and that is 'Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist'. Sorry to all you fans out there.

Okay, your turn.


  1. Guy Ritchie's Revolver. I loved Guy Ritchie's early work but then this came out and it was as if Madonna took over for him. It was the worst film I had ever watched. Roger Ebert suggested that if the film caught fire in the projector during a screening the entire audience would cheer and I agree. I haven't seen RockNrolla yet but I might wait until it's on dvd, I don't want to risk it. I can only hope that with Madonna no longer his wife, his next movie, Sherlock Holmes starring Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law as Watson, will be a masterpiece for the ages. If not it'll become a film Downey can act like he was never apart of and continue his reign as Iron Man. As for me, I can just consider Guy Ritchie's first two films accidents.

  2. I have to agree that 'Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist' was a pretty disappointing movie. I regret spending money to see it. The trailer made it look like it was supposed to be a funny movie but they failed miserably if that was what they were going for.

  3. I agree. The Nick and Nora's trailer made it look like another great teen film, like Juno. But it was so unoriginal in every way. The ending was the worst of all, though. If it had ended any more differently, I probably wouldn't hate it as much as I do.

  4. Hmmm.... worst movie I ever saw had to be 'Four Weddings and a Funeral'. It starred Hugh Grant and was so boring I could barely keep my eyes open. I think I actually turned it off.

    I will agree that 'Nick and Nora' was pretty awful. I think that was about as bad as "Leprachaun'.

  5. I can think of a few, actually...
    "Rent" (Just plain painful to watch)

    "Brokeback Mountain" (I was sick when I watched this & it still felt like a waste of my time)

    "The Wicker Man" (2006; probably Nicholas Cage's worst performance ever...)
    maybe some more....
    those are just a couple...

  6. Brokeback Mountain most definitely was not a waste of time. It won 3 Oscars for goodness sake!

  7. what's not to love about a musical about a full-blown aids epidemic??

    however, brokeback mountain was an excellent film! and totally deserved all of its awards..

    the 'ginger-dead man' is a pretty awful movie.. my friends and i rented it over the summer as a joke, a prelude to 'rosemary's baby'.. (the lehigh valley blockbuster has a wide selection of low-budget horror flicks)...anything with gary busey is pretty scary, but this movie (with its over-the-top awful acting and dumbdumb dialogue) was way ridiculous!

  8. I have to agree with Alex. The Wicker Man was horrible. The ending just made me cringe and made me regret watching it. Plus, Nicholas Cage isn't that good of an actor. The story had merit, but it was way too creepy. Calling this one of my favorite movies would be the farthest thing from my mind.

  9. Ok well I seem to be an expert on B-movies so I'm going to give my top 5 worst films of all time. The problem I see with some films mentioned so far, namely Alex's, are that while you may have a personal distaste for them, there is not a unanimous agreement that they're crap. You seem to be picking movies that just don't fit you well rather than the films that reach the level of jaw dropping, vomit inducing filth, that if you went back in time and showed them to Thomas Edison, he would have destroyed all of his research to make sure these stinkers could never come into existance. Films can be pretty bad. So bad that my top 5 list doesn't even include Plan 9 from Outer Space, Santa Claus Conquers the Martians, or even a single Tor Johnson or Joe Estevez film. I warn you: these films may make blood shoot out of your eyes.

    5. The Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl.
    So I happened upon this turd one day on the disney channel, and ever since I've checked the newspaper every day in desperate hope that it would turn out George Lopez had died some sort of horrible death. The plot seems to basically revolve around creating as many situations where crap can be thrown at the camera as possible in order to abuse the fact that the movie was in 3D. If you seem a character takes a bite of something, regardless of the situation they WILL spit it at the camera. On top of that, when I watched it on tv it wasn't even in 3D, so the gimick that was the only reason for the film to exist in the first place was removed, leaving me with nothing more than another reason to hate George Lopez.

    4. The Lord of the Rings: Part 1.
    Now before someone freaks out: I am NOT referring to the Peter Jackson film series. I am referring to the 1978 cartoon by Ralph Bakshi. This incomprehensible piece of drivel somehow managed to despite laughable performances on all parts and being one of the worst written adaptions of a work of literature to date, got decent reviews from critics because it was innovative and risky in its use of rotoscoping. The problem is, in hindsight, all of the "innovative" things Ralph Bakshi did make the film look like complete crap. While the background characters they rotoscoped will look perfectly realistic, the main characters placed next to them on the other hand will look ridiculously cartoony. In the end the rotoscoping which has been lauded as the film's only value, is perhaps its greatest detriment. In addition Bakshi makes the bizarre choice of occasionally, when the action gets intense, remove the actual background and replace it with random dark blue, green, and red tiedyes. Why is this a good idea? I don't know, somehow nazgul are supposed to be scarier when combined with the psychadelic steam boat from Willy Wonka.

    3. The Creeping Terror.
    Considered by many to be one of the worst creature features of all time, the Creeping Terror is a horror film about a man eating lump of shag carpet. Yes you heard me, the alien is basically shag carpet. This monster is so badly made you can occasionally you can see a man's feet coming out of the bottom and it moves so slowly that the phrase "Creeping" is an understatement. It's more like twitching really. In order to eat people, its "victims" basically look like they're intentionally leaping into the beast's mouth. On top of all that in order to save money (Since they already spent loads on the shag carpet) decided to opt to use cameras that don't do the whole "sound" thing. Instead they decided to record all audio later on. As a result in place of about 90% of the scripted dialogue they have a narrator telling you roughly what all the characters are saying. This gets especially awkward because of the fact that there ended up being prolonged conversations described entirely in third person.

    2. Batman and Robin.
    In light of the Dark Knight, the failures of this movie become even more glaring. When you realize the potential that Batman films have, to watch this lump of George Clooney nipples and Arnold Schwarzenegger making Freeze puns ("Lets kick some ice!") can become one of the most painful experiences imaginable. I think MST3K creator Mike Nelson said it better than I ever could when he said that it is not proper to desribe this as the worst film ever, because it is in fact the worst thing ever, on a scale encompassing all things in existance, rather than just films. However, in my opinion, this superbly humongous lump of cryogenically frozen feces cannot compare to my number one worst film of all time.

    1. Manos: the Hands of Fate.
    You have probably heard me mention this before, but I don't think you can understand how bad this movie is without meeting a good friend of mine. His name is Torgo. He watches over the place while the master is away.

    Oh and yes. The title does translate to "Hands: The Hands of Fate."

  10. "The Wicker Man" is actually a remake of a far superior british horror movie.
    Look it up, it's a classic.
    I think Nicolas Cage can be great depending on the project ("World Trade Center, Leaving Las Vegas") but he can sometimes go way, WAY over-the-top. And in this case, he was just awful.
    But yeah, "The Wicker Man" is one of the worst modern remakes along with "When a Stranger Calls" and "The Fog"...

  11. my cousin came home for the weekend (well, my home) and when we are together we like to rent outrageous over-the-top low budget/horrible acting-filled movies.. last night's pick was 'teeth', which turned out to not have a low budget or bad actors (...sort of) but instead the most ridiculous story line ever!... i don't even know if i can describe it because of the administration, lets just say the whole concept is about a v-g--a with teeth! it wasn't horrible, but it was pretty hilarious... i wouldn't recommend it to men.. i am pretty positive it was made by feminists.

  12. I thought the central performances in "Teeth" were terrific, especially the female lead...
    but it was a VERY uncomfortable movie to sit through...
    It was well-made, too...
    and very empowering for women...

  13. really? i couldn't tell if it was a supposed to be categorized under 'horror' or 'comedy'..

  14. Uhh! I've wanted to see that ever since I read a review online. I think it is supposed to be a dark comedy. And I openly admit v*g*na dentata is the most terrifying concept ever imagined.

  15. Cass-
    "Teeth" was actually written & directed by a MAN!

    I think it's best described as mix of horror, dark comedy, and coming-of-age drama.
    It's a pretty good movie, overall.
    But, it was really, REALLY uncomfortable to sit through.
    Though there is a hilarious scene when the main character visits a gynecologist...

  16. i'm lol-ing allllllll over the place!! (...coming of age drama, haha!)

  17. First of all....woahhhh Alex! How can you not love Rent?! Okay, yes it was painful but its strong message out-weighed the pain-it kinda had a happy ending, minus Angel's death, of course. =] But my least favorite movie would have to be "The Wicker Man". It was so long and drawn out and you feel compelled to find out the big end to its ridiculous plot. So you sit through nonsense, hoping there is some benefit from wasting 2 hours of your life and in the last minute, he burns and dies and your still sitting there waiting for the next scene and there's nothing. He dies, it ends. Pointless. I almost wanted to laugh...but not because it was a compedy. I almost laughed at myself for thinking it was going to actually turn into a good movie in the last minute. Joke's on me.

  18. wow, Alex. after i read 'Rent' on your comment, I started writing mine. that's crazy that we both hated 'Wicker Man.' I feel like no one has even seen it before. One day let's get together, watch the movie, and just rant at the tv and complain at how bad it is. Maybe then, it won't be as big of a waste of time.

    And Erin...didn't we watch together?! And think how dumb it was and how wierd those animal mask things were? good times...except not at all.
